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和平的房子 美国大学舞蹈协会

Every year Beloit 跳舞 学生 and faculty travel to the 美国大学舞蹈协会’s (ACDA) regional conference. 在会议上, we attend classes for 4 days and perform in adjudicated concerts and informal performances.

两支来自 龟鳖目, Beloit’s annual 跳舞 concert—one faculty/guest work and one student work—are chosen to be presented at the 美国大学舞蹈协会 (ACDA) regional festivals each spring. Since 2001, Beloit’s 跳舞s are regularly selected for the prestigious gala concert.


许多伯洛伊特舞蹈家参加夏季项目,比如 在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆举行的美国舞蹈节或者去纽约暑期学习. Some of our 跳舞rs have earned scholarships for summer study and prestigious internships at these programs. Past and present 跳舞 学生 are actively involved in regional 跳舞 companies.


Students often do internships during the summer in a variety of locations such as New York City, 贝茨舞蹈节, 和美国舞蹈节. 例如, one student participated in a internship in the costume shop at the Reynolds Industries Theater for American 跳舞 Festival.

斯泰西Jaeger在2019年KC/ACTF第三地区会议上发表演讲, 斯泰西Jaeger在2019年KC/ACTF第三地区会议上发表演讲,肯尼迪中心美国大学戏剧节:第三区

每年一月, 学生 travel to attend the KC/ACTF Region III conference to take workshops, 争取奖学金, 看中西部各大高校的表演. The week is an exciting discovery of all the possibilities that are possible in the theatre. 这是一次“不要错过”的经历!

学生们为深夜儿童免费饮食即兴表演做准备. 学生们为深夜儿童免费饮食即兴表演做准备.


BITE is a student run organization that encourages performances at a technical and professional level. We strive to give our members encouragement for their projects and even offer funding for their plans so that the club can be a cool and inclusive place! 很容易成为乐趣的一部分,也没有创造的压力, 但它确实在我们的社区里蓬勃发展.

在演艺楼与其他表演者同住. 第一排(从左到右):Joshua Block, Abb... 在演艺楼与其他表演者同住. 第一排(从左到右):Joshua Block, 艾比本德, Connie Bronson; Back row (left to right): Julia Dirkes-Jacks, 斯泰西Jaeger, 将Mertins, 悉尼梅尔卡多


演艺会馆 is a special interest house associated with the Beloit独立剧院体验 (BITE). 六名学生同时住在那里, 但许多学生发现自己花时间做作业, 参加活动, 就在家里闲逛. 它有一个小得可笑的浴室, 还有一间浴室太大了, 还有三个门廊和一个诡异的地下室. It is a lively and warm space that welcomes people of all levels of interest and involvement in the performing arts, 但要注意, 桌游之夜会很激烈.


The United States Institute for 剧院 Technology (USITT) is a national organization for technicians and designers working in the performance industry. 每年USITT都会举办一次全国会议,邀请专业人士参加, 学生, 和教授一起学习, 参与, 并在一周内建立人际关系. 十大菠菜台子 学生 are encouraged to attend the conference where they have the opportunity to sit in on workshops, 面板, and poster sessions; participate in portfolio reviews by professionals in the field; apply for jobs and graduate programs; and learn about new products and advanced techniques. 学生还参加每年由USITT主办的科技奥运会. Students that attend the conference then host a version of the Tech Olympics for the 十大菠菜台子 Community at the end of every spring term.


One of the opportunities within the 剧院 and 跳舞 department is working in the 现场购物. Students who work in the shop will gain practical experience in building scenery, 使用照明, 寻找和建造道具, 还有声音和技术. 为了实现这个目标, 学生们有机会学习木工等技能, 焊接/金属制品, 焊接, 基本的布线和电气技能, 在一个充满乐趣和回报的环境中领导团队. 我们努力工作,并且乐在其中!

Stopping for sustenance at Cracker Barrel on the way to Louisville, Kentucky for USITT 2019

At 十大菠菜台子 you can get experience working in a professionally structured costume shop. 伯洛伊特学院的服装店很合适, 构建, 并改变了四个主要舞台戏剧作品中所有的服装, 龟鳖目, 以及十二月舞蹈工作坊. 在服装店工作的时候, 学生员工将发展他们的缝纫技能, 切割, 模式化技巧. Employees with an aptitude for costume craft work get hands on experience dying fabric and garments along with building hats and masks. 十大菠菜台子 houses a large costume stock for performance use as well as a sizable historical costume collection dating back to the 1860’s with which employees have the opportunity to learn how to organize and run costume storage. 博物馆专业学生, or 学生 interested in costume history are employed to coordinate and maintain the historical collection. The skills learned while working in the costume shop not only are practical for day to day life, but also give student employees real world experience that will help them find further employment once they leave 十大菠菜台子.




Professor of 跳舞 Chris Johnson created a new work in collaboration with alumna Sarah Ellen Miller’15 and student 艾玛Logas的25 last May. The 跳舞 was invited to be a part of this fall’s Elgin Fringe Festival, held Labor Day Weekend. 因为米勒不能参加艺穗节的表演, 约翰逊邀请了26岁的凯特丽·齐泽尔斯伯格(Kateri Zitzelsberger)介入. Logas和Zitzelsberger……

Jerrel L. 今年春天,亨德森将在伯洛伊特学院剧院执导《菠菜白菜吧》.

Jerrell L. 今年3月,亨德森将执导伯洛伊特学院的《菠菜白菜吧》

十大菠菜台子’s theatre welcomes a nationally known director for a satire play about what is means to get a seat at the table.

Seniors Jeremy Duval, Graham Olen, and Cam Meiers during a trust exercise in rehearsal.


A Janesville director casts the beloved musical with all-LGBTQ+ actors — including three of Beloit’s own — for the first time and received video messages of support from two original cast members. “这正是你应该做这样一个节目的时候,”他们说. “你是 租金 现在的家庭.”

舞蹈学生, 从左到右:格蕾丝·斯科特22岁, Quynn埃文斯的23, 茱莉亚纽马克的25, 米莉Engstrom的24, 艾玛Logas的25, Charline Davis-Alicea的22, 艾米丽·奥布莱恩的22所示, 凯利贝格利的22, 以及24岁的Mateo Marek在柏林看到这座城市


5月15日,在2022年开学后不久,9 跳舞 学生们前往德国柏林参加伯洛伊特学院 全球参与研讨会 沉浸式舞蹈的学习、创作和表演.

凯利贝格利的22, 在中心, 在“脱落”中表演,” a 跳舞 choreographed by Professor of 跳舞 Chris Johnson and performed at 龟鳖目. Badgley is joined by fellow 学生 Adrianna Terrell, left, and Charline Davis-Alicea.


通过伯洛伊特的舞蹈课程, 凯利贝格利的22 has broadened her vision of what 跳舞 can be while fine-tuning her ability to bring a creative vision to life.  

“My time at Beloit has taught me so much in and out of the classroom,” she says. “这是一所拥有这么多学生的小学校

Adanya Gil更多的’21 performs in “Discontinuities,” part of the 龟鳖目 2021 Screen跳舞 Festival


Adanya Gil更多的 can be described as many things: a Students for Inclusive Campus (SIC) club leader, 虚拟大使, 也是一位鼓舞人心的表演者.  

Sage Green ' 21(右)


赛吉·格林21届为社区带来了戏剧 《真人国际菠菜》,” a devised theater project they wrote and brought to life in collaboration with high school 学生.


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